Our involvement doesn’t end once permits are obtained to begin construction. Mc2 Engineering continues to coordinate with the owner and contractor during the construction phase to ensure questions are promptly answered and the necessary certifications are completed for the final certificate of occupancy. After the last plant is installed and the contractor leaves the site we continue to provide on-going services to the owner to ensure the project stays in compliance.
- Construction Phase Services
- Pay Application Review/Certification
- Contractor Coordination
- Punchlist Walks
- Oversee Construction Compliance
- Engineer's Certification for Water and Sanitary Sewer
- Engineer's Certification for Roadway and Storm Sewer
- Engineer's Certification for Stormwater Best
- Impervious Area Certifications
- On-Going Assistance
- Monthly/Periodic Stormwater BMP Inspections
- Annual Profesional Stormwater BMP Inspections
- Property Owner Concerns
- Stormwater Credits Program